



In this new post, I will address the second key aspect to consider for the optimal development of business in Colombia: the share capital of companies and its practical distinction from the concept of equity. This second installment is related

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Without hesitation, I can say that this virtual space is the result of a process of self-discovery and personal growth that I began, with particular interest, as I was approaching my forties—a stage in which I felt the need to pause, reflect on what I had experienced, and decide how I would navigate the years to come. 

From my role as a lawyer, professor, and tireless entrepreneur, I am excited to share in this virtual space some ideas—sometimes technical, sometimes not so much—to discuss the topics that inspire me, to write about why I believe it is essential to act  with dedication and consistency, to express my thoughts on depth and superficiality, to narrate my version of what it means to trust in the outcome, and to reflect on the importance of the indelible mark we all leave with our actions.

I am convinced that the best is yet to come, though without haste—rather, with the calm that accompanies the peaceful stretch of time I am now traveling, rediscovering the beauty of life’s gift through the simplicity of the natural. 

Thank you for accompanying me on this new and fascinating stage of the journey…

Without hesitation, I can say that this virtual space is the result of a process of self-discovery and personal growth that I began, with particular interest, as I was approaching my forties—a stage in which I felt the need to pause, reflect on what I had experienced, and decide how I would navigate the years to come. 

From my role as a lawyer, professor, and tireless entrepreneur, I am excited to share in this virtual space some ideas—sometimes technical, sometimes not so much—to discuss the topics that inspire me, to write about why I believe it is essential to act  with dedication and consistency, to express my thoughts on depth and superficiality, to narrate my version of what it means to trust in the outcome, and to reflect on the importance of the indelible mark we all leave with our actions.

I am convinced that the best is yet to come, though without haste—rather, with the calm that accompanies the peaceful stretch of time I am now traveling, rediscovering the beauty of life’s gift through the simplicity of the natural. 

Thank you for accompanying me on this new and fascinating stage of the journey…




Te invito a explorar mi red a través de esta colección de fotos
Desde el Doctorado en Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo agradecemos al Dr. Erwin Blanco su participación como profesor de la materia Teoría Tributaria y consideramos que sus conocimientos y su destacada experiencia profesional y académica son un importante aporte a esta Carrera de Doctorado, a nuestra Universidad, y una instancia más de acercamiento y colaboración mutua de nuestros países

Dra. Isabel Roccaro

Directora Doctorado En Ciencias Económicas - Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
Desde la Dirección de Posgrados de la Universidad Santo Tomás-Tunja reconocemos y agradecemos el excelente trabajo como docente catedrático al Doctor Erwin Blanco Nagle en el Módulo de Derecho Aduanero de la Maestría en Derecho Privado, destacamos un vivo interés por la transmisión de conocimientos y búsqueda de su utilidad práctica, demostrando maestría y dominio en cada de los temas exigidos para el desarrollo del módulo.

Dra. Catherine Díaz Sanabria

Directora de Postgrados Facultad de Derecho


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